You thought it was just a saying, didn’t you?
Have you ever heard your mother or grandmother tell you to put on your jacket or you’ll catch the cold? Well, it’s not just an old wives tale…it’s true!
*Technical Stuff*
Your body is always working to maintain homeostasis. Temperature control is only one of the 14 things your body has to balance at all times. We miraculously maintain a body temperature within just a couple of degrees! Imagine if you had to maintain that kind of temperature consistency within your own house to stay alive!
We are fearfully and wonderfully made!
Here’s the key to this magical balance. When the temperature in your environment changes dramatically, your body must use large amounts of vitamin C to adjust your internal thermostat. When there is not enough vitamin C available, your body lets you know! For most people, the lack of vitamin C results in a stuffy or runny nose, possibly chest congestion, and even a cough.
Have you ever had an early spring or late fall “cold”? We’ve been led to believe this is some kind of virus because we’re “catching” it. What is really happening is this vitamin C deficiency leads to cold like symptoms. It’s our body’s way of telling us it needs something. Far too often we dismiss the signals our body sends us, or we ignore them entirely. Our ancestors knew that if the temperature dropped too quickly, your body may have trouble maintaining temperature and thus, you would “catch the cold”.
So, in early spring and late fall when the temperature shifts, it’s wise to increase your vitamin C intake to help your body adjust. There is an actual cold virus running around like the seasonal flu. It’s debated in the medical world if vitamin C reduces your chances of being infected. However, if you start to get the sniffles right after a temperature change (or when it's already cold outside), and increasing your vitamin C fixes everything, you’ll know your body was literally “catching the cold”. Or perhaps the vitamin C boosted your immune system so your body could fight the actual cold virus. Either way, it’s a win in my book!
Try it for yourself! You’ll be amazed at the difference in your seasonal health.
How much vitamin C do you need?
A little history:
Vitamin C was discovered in 1912, and was first artificially produced (in a lab) in 1933. Scientists have known how to manipulate chemicals for a long time!
I personally believe in going right to the source, and getting my vitamins from whole food sources instead of chemicals made in a lab. The recommended daily allowance for vitamin C is quite low at less than 100mg (based on levels needed to prevent scurvy). The therapeutic dose of 2,000mg a day is needed to support the body through the temperature changes we’re talking about here.
Fun Facts…
- Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables.
- Heat through cooking destroys most vitamin C.
- Broccoli and brussels sprouts contain almost twice as much vitamin C as citrus fruits.
- We know vitamin C as ascorbic acid, but there are actually 3 types of ascorbic acid (sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, and potassium ascorbate) so make sure your sources contain each type.
- Vitamin C functions as an anti-oxidant to combat free radicals that can cause serious health conditions if left unchecked.