Muscle Testing Courses

Want answers?
Ever wonder into an herb store or the natural remedy section and wonder how 10 different things can all say they cure the same ailment?  Which one do you need?  Will any of them help you?  
  • Why is the baby crying?
  • Why is the dog itching?
  • Why can't I lose weight?
In this course you'll learn the muscle testing method that works best for you and learn to:
  • test harmful substances
  • test allergens
  • test supplements and their dosages
  • and learn how to get answers to all your questions!
This course has 6 sections with short video instruction, where you'll be guided through hands on practice to learn this new skill.  Go at your own pace.  A discussion room is available inside the course if you have questions.  You can also join our Facebook community for encouragement and support once you're in. 

Once you're comfortable muscle testing, you can use the Body Map app to coach you through your testing experience if you need that guidance.  I'll be available to help you learn to know how and what to test.  It's such a blessing to be part of your journey to take responsibility for your own health and your path in life.  I pray for your success.  :)

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*I am not a western medical doctor.  Nothing in this area is intended to prevent, treat, or cure disease.  If at any time you believe you need medical help, please consult your healthcare professional of choice.